When scouting around for a life insurance company, there are few things you must think through before closing the contract. The most important service that every insurance company must provide is protection. After all, this is what insurance coverage is about – to protect the insured person and his beneficiaries from financial inconvenience should something untoward such as death happens to the policyholder. Here are the chief points that one should look for when availing of life insurance coverage.
Type of policy benefits
Make sure you read the fine-printed terms that accompany your insurance plan. Find out if your policy benefits are fixed, universal or flexible. Since each policyholder has different needs, choose a plan that allows adjustments to fit your future requirements.
Premium fees
Payment rates vary with different insurance companies. However the common bases in determining the fees for any type of life insurance are age, occupation, health and lifestyle.
More Perks
Most insurance plans come with perks or incentives such as retirement benefits, mutual fund benefits, estate planning and so on. Once again, more stable insurance agencies are the ones that provide additional services along with the existing policies of their clients.
Customer Support
This is one of the most important factors to be considered when buying an insurance policy. Make sure your insurance company will not leave you in midair after you have purchased a policy from them.
Prompt Awarding of Claims
What good is an insurance company if it cannot give the due payment to the beneficiaries at the time when they need it most? Delay in awarding of claims is a big no-no. Verify from your insurance agent if they can deliver the claims to your family at a given time frame.
Life Insurance: Few things you must think through before closing the contract
Ditulis oleh Timothy | 8:11 AM | 2013, 2014, Hutang, Insurance, keluarga bahagia, loan, Search, tips, top 10 | 0 comments »
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