1. Allianz
This company has its own reputation worldwide and is one of the leading insurance provider company in the world. In Russia it is highly recognized and rated as the top company. There good service to the customers makes them even more efficient.

2. AIG Russia
As the name (American international Group) indicates, this company was founded with the assistance of America but it soon stood on its own feet and took over as a sole Russian insurance Company. It was founded almost more than a century ago but its effort is highly appreciated.

3. ROSNO Insurance
This Company is working under a wide group of network, known as the ROSNO group of network. They aim at the upbringing of the people by providing them with many benefits which they can cash upon. This Group has one of the most widely distributed networks of Insurance Companies.

This insurance Company has great value for its customers because they provide its customers with great luxuries along with flexible interest rates which adds to their liability. A new in the era but has coped with all the pressure and problems and has stood as a leading insurance Company.

5. URALSIB Insurance Group
This Company provides insurance of almost every kind and every aspect, because this is a Leading Group in Russia which provides the people with almost every kind of insurance. Their large network has not made them compromise on the various factors including the need of the people.

6. Vista Alliance Insurance Company
"Vista" is a Group which is offering its services in the market but it has launched Insurance programs for the people recently. Their good reputation in the market has urged people in Russia to make insurance deals with them and the people are being satisfied by their good services.

7. SOGAZ Insurance Group
This Company was founded around 2 decades back and is serving as one of the oldest Insurance Company in the federation. Good customer Service, highly trained staff and their will to serve the people makes them the leading Insurance Company of the Russian Federation.

8. Safe Insurance Line
This Company was built on a relatively small budget but that did not affect their mode of dealing with the people and that is why people also show faith in them and make subsequent deals with them. Their tireless efforts have made them very popular among the people of Russia.

9. Russian Insurance Centre
This is a state Company which is being funded by the state because the state also wants the upbringing of the people of Russia. This Company also looks after the transfer of funding being done at the higher level.

10. ING Life Insurance
As the name indicates, this Insurance Company deals in Life Insurance. Their market value is simply very good but there is still lot to travel by the Company in order to stand side by side with the leading Insurance Companies.