
KOTA KINABALU - Kegiatan penjualan rokok haram dan tiruan di bandar raya ini semakin berleluasa sehingga mencetuskan rasa kurang senang orang ramai.

Dengan menjadikan kawasan perhentian bas, kaki lima dan jalan sebagai lokasi berniaga, peniaga rokok tiruan yang terdiri daripada kanak-kanak dan golongan wanita licik mencari pelanggan mereka malah tinjauan Kosmo! turut mendapati, kebanyakan daripada peniaga itu terdiri daripada warga asing dan mereka berniaga seawal pukul 6 pagi hingga larut malam.

Seorang penjual kanak-kanak berusia 12 tahun dikenali Azim mengaku menjual rokok haram dan tiruan sejak dua tahun lalu.
Katanya, hasil jualan sehari adalah antara RM50 hingga RM100 dan jumlah itu akan bertambah pada hujung minggu.

"Dalam sehari, boleh dapat untung RM30 dan ia sudah cukup besar memandangkan perniagaan ini banyak persaingan," katanya yang turut mengaku tidak pernah bersekolah.

Jelas Azim, rokok berjenama yang biasanya dijual pada harga RM10 sekotak boleh dibeli dengan harga RM2 hingga RM4 sahaja.
Selain itu, turut dijual pelbagai rokok keretek yang diseludup dari Indonesia.

Apa yang pasti, modus operandi kumpulan itu cukup licik iaitu menyembunyikan semua rokok tersebut di sebalik pintu, tangga, bawah kereta dan belukar bagi mengelak dikesan pihak berkuasa.
Paling penting, kumpulan itu juga mempunyai seorang 'mata-mata' yang bertindak mengesan kehadiran pihak berkuasa.- KOSMO

Artikel oleh: 1 Suara Sabah

Astro Awani |Oktober 06, 2013
KUALA LUMPUR: Sebuah portal popular, Jalopnik, menyenaraikan Malaysia sebagai negara kedua paling mahal untuk membeli kereta, di belakang Singapura dalam artikel bertajuk 10 Tempat Paling Mahal Untuk Beli Kereta (The 10 Most Expensive Places To Buy A Car).

Artikel yang diterbitkan pada bulan lepas, memuatkan keluhan rakyat Malaysia mengenai isu harga kereta terutama dikalangan rakyat biasa.

Kini, dengan harga minyak yang meningkat, isu tersebut kembali mendapat perhatian.

Satu kajiselidik di laman web pengeluar kereta terkemuka mendedahkan bahawa rakyat Malaysia membayar sehingga dua kali apa yang pengguna Amerika bayar untuk kereta yang sama di Amerika.

Malah, di kalangan rakan-rakan mereka di Asean, terutamanya Thailand, harga kereta di Malaysia adalah tinggi.

Pinjaman kereta di negara ini boleh dibuat sehingga sembilan tahun. Satu tempoh yang membolehkan memiliki kereta dengan lebih murah, tetapi dalam masa sama ia juga membawa kepada hutang isi rumah yang lebih tinggi.

Laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh Maybank Investment Bank Research pada akhir Mei lepas menyatakan pinjaman kenderaan menyumbang sehingga 18 peratus daripada jumlah hutang isi rumah.

Ketika menlancarkan Manifesto Barisan Nasional (BN) bertajuk 'Menepati Janji Membawa Harapan' April lalu, pengerusinya, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berjanji untuk menyemak semula Dasar Automotif Nasional bagi mengurangkan harga kereta secara berperingkat antara 20 hingga 30 peratus dalam tempoh lima tahun serta meningkatkan daya saing kereta nasional.

Presiden Persatuan Automotif Malaysia (MAA) Datuk Aishah Ahmad berkata pihaknya telah mencadangkan banyak kali kepada kerajaan supaya duti diturunkan secara beransur-ansur bagi mengurangkan beban pemilikan kenderaan kepada pengguna biasa.

"Kami merasakan dengan kos pemilikan kenderaan yang lebih rendah, pengguna akan mempunyai pendapatan boleh guna tambahan untuk berbelanja pada barang-barang lain, yang akan memberi manfaat kepada ekonomi negara.

"Kami, bagaimanapun, ambil perhatian bahawa kos penyelenggaraan kenderaan di Malaysia masih kompetitif berbanding

dengan negara-negara Asean yang lain, dengan subsidi bahan api dan cukai jalan yang lebih rendah," katanya.

Ketua Pegawai Esekutif Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca), Datuk Paul Selvaraj yang berpendapat ini adalah masa yang terbaik untuk kerajaan menurunkan harga kereta terutamanya selepas pengurangan subsidi petrol baru-baru ini.

"Kita ingin memulakan merasionalkan subsidi dan memperkenalkan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST). Kita ingin memaklumkan harga pasaran menentukan harga petrol, tetapi pada masa yang sama kita tidak mahu menjual kereta pada harga yang ditentukan oleh pasaran.

"Pada masa lalu , kita bersetuju dengan dasar perlindungan tetapi berapa lama ia akan bertahan? Kita perlu untuk meliberalisasikan harga," kata Selvaraj seperti dilaporkan akhbar New Sunday Times.

Selvaraj berkata di negara-negara maju walaupun harga kereta lebih murah berbanding dengan Malaysia. "Jepun dan United Kingdom mempunyai kereta lebih murah daripada kita. Kenapa kita mesti membayar lebih untuk kereta kita? "

Ketua Ekonomi Kumpulan di Ratings Agency Malaysia Berhad, Dr Yeah Kim Leng, bersetuju dengan pandangan bahawa harga kereta perlu diturunkan.

Dr Yeah berkata kereta adalah salah satu daripada dua perkara. selain rumah, yang mana Rakyat Malaysia perlu membayar lebih, dan keduanya mengambil sebahagian daripada pendapatan boleh guna rakyat Malaysia.

"Ini adalah faktor utama yang menyumbang kepada tahap hutang isi rumah yang tinggi ," kata Yeah.

Yeah berkata dalam suasana kos bahan api yang semakin meningkat, mengurangkan harga kereta akan membuat ia lebih mampu dimilik oleh rakyat Malaysia.

"Jika anda mahu untuk mengurangkan kos keseluruhan hidup, salah satu cara adalah dengan menurunkan harga kereta. Ia akan meningkatkan kebajikan pengguna apabila harga kereta dan rumah yang lebih murah, yang merupakan dua perkara besar dalam bajet isi rumah.

Katanya, pada awal 1980an, ketika baru memulakan industri kereta, kerajaan mempunyai dasar melindungi kereta nasional dengan menaikan cukai kereta import.

Namun kata Dr Yeah, perlindungan seperti itu sudah tidak lagi sesuai untuk terus dilaksanakan.

Pandangan berbeza diberikan oleh Pengarang majalah automatif Top Gear Malaysia, Hazeri Samsuri yang berkata rakyat Malaysia lebih suka mengkritik kerajaan berkenaan harga kereta tetapi tidak melakukan perkara yang sama terhadap pengeluar kereta.

"Kereta di Asean adalah lebih mahal daripada di Eropah dan Amerika. Alasan yang sering diberikan adalah jumlah; Asean adalah satu pasaran baru muncul.

"Kereta juga dianggap barangan mewah di negara-negara dan pengguna sanggup membayar 'jenama premium'," kata Hazeri.

Menurut Hazeri, harga kereta tetap mahal tetap akan mahal biarpun cukai dikurangkan.

Bagi Ketua Esekutif Institut Automotif Malaysia, M.Madani pula menegaskan harga kereta di Malaysia adalah antara yang berdaya saing di rantau ini.

Madani juga menjelaskan bahawa tidak ada hubungan langsung antara Keluaran Dalam negara Kasar (KDNK) dan harga kereta.

Katanya, harga kereta bergantung kepada kuasa pasaran dan struktur cukai negara.

"Walaupun kebanyakan orang cenderung untuk melihat struktur cukai sebagai penentu dominan harga kereta, ini tidak semestinya benar. Kita ambil Thailand dan Indonesia sebagai contoh. Kedua-dua negara mempunyai cukai yang agak sama dan ini adalah benar terutamanya untuk kereta yang lebih rendah segmen di bawah 1,500 cc.

"Walau bagaimanapun, harga di Thailand jauh lebih rendah daripada Indonesia. Malah, harga kereta di Indonesia adalah agak setanding dengan orang-orang di Malaysia. Walaupun begitu, terdapat persepsi umum bahawa struktur cukai di Malaysia adalah antara yang tertinggi di rantau ini," kata Madani.

Kata Madani, untuk mengurangkan harga kereta, kerajaan perlu mengambil kira banyak faktor termasuk impak semasa ke atas pemilik kereta, industri kereta terpakai, institusi kewangan, kesediaan infrastruktur dan kesediaan seperti sama ada infrastruktur sedia ada adalah mencukupi untuk menanggung lebih banyak kereta di jalan raya, dan lain-lain

Gambar oleh: 1 Suara Sabah

Hal ini tidak berlaku di Kota Kinabalu sahaja. hampir semua bandar dan pekan pun ada kejadian seperti ini.

Hari tu "Mereka" Berjanji akan menjalankan OPERASI BESAR-BESARAN SELEPAS RAYA. Tapi bila Lihat Sekeliling MASIH LAGI BANYAK PTI BERKELIARAN DI SABAH. 

Dan ada muka PTI yang sama mejual rokok seludup di pekan/bandar. PENDATANG HARAM (PTI) ini KEBAL daripada di TANGKAP ? Atau PTI yang kita nampak ini sudah mendapat Projek IC ?

Gambar: 1 Suara Sabah

Masih ada lagi rakyat Sabahan Mempertahankan Pendatang HARAM.. Kononnya Kalau tiada PTI, Bangunan tidak akan berdiri di SABAH.. Habis itu Adakah adil kepada Majikan/pekerja asing yang membayar Permit/Passport .. Sedangkan Ramai PTI yang Masuk secara haram di sabah ?

Bangla/nepal/pakistan/indonesia /dll bekerja buruh binaan di semenanjung yang tidak mempunyai passport akan di hantar balik walaupun sebenarnya khidmat mereka sangat di perlukan.. TAPI kenapa di SABAH pula di biarkan ? adakah SABAH juga memerlukan Khidmat penjual rokok Haram? Tidak Salah mencari rezeki di Sabah asalkan berlandaskan Jalan yang betul..

ROKOK SELUDUP ada dimana-mana

Ditulis oleh Timothy | 5:44 PM | | 1 comments »

Photo by: Jaymie Jaimye

Di Sabah, tidak kira pekan atau bandar mana yang tiada rokok seludup? 

Kerajaan berkata operasi besar-besaran menangkap pendatang tanpa izin (PTI) akan dilaksanakan selepas Hari Raya. Tetapi, di Inanam PTI bebas menjual rokok seludup tanpa rasa takut. Gambar di atas adalah pandangan yang biasa dilihat di di pekan Inanam. keadaan lebih teruk anda boleh lihat di Kota Kinabalu dan Keningau. 

Penjual rokok haram ini duduk berniaga di sudut-sudut kedai, kadang kala mereka berjalan dari sebuah kedai makan ke kedai makan lain untuk menjual rokok. Apa yang menyedihkan ialah: 

(1) Kebanyaka pejual ini terdiri daripada PATI, 

(2) Orang awam dan kakitangan kerajaan (termasuk polis) membeli rokok dari mereka. Ini jelas menunjukkan tanda sokongan yang membuatkan jumlah peniaga rokok haram semakin bertambah.

Google AdSense is a pay-per-click (PPC) program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. AdSense delivers relevant ads that are targeted to the content people find on your site. In many advertising networks and websites, including AdSense, the advertiser is charged for advertising their ad only when a user clicks on their ad. How much they pay (for that click) is called their Cost Per Click or CPC.

Here you will find some simple and effective AdSense tips that will increase your revenue. If you haven't already joined AdSense program, you should sign up first.

1) If you want to maximize your profits, make sure to create more than one website.
However, you don’t want to start off by creating 100 websites. Maintenance for that many sites, at first, would be hectic. While having only one website would be the easiest to maintain, it also increases your chances of being cut out altogether by the latest algorithm update. So, you want to have a few websites up and running. Then if the latest algorithm forces one website out, you still have a few others to generate income from while you work on the affected one.

2) Pick a niche to write about per site.
Creating a site that discusses any topic under the moon may be easier to find the desire to update, but it will make it difficult to create constant traffic, make it hard for the Google search engine to rank your site, and cause trouble generating ads that are on topic.
Also, if you only pick one subject to focus on, you can go more in-depth and gain expertise in that field. This makes your website more profitable for users and yourself.

3) Create a site about something you are already interested in!
This Google Adsense tip only makes sense! Making your site about something that you like makes it more fun in the long-run for you to continue managing your site. If something is less like work, then you are more likely to do it. Constant updates on your site is good for traffic and search engines, which generates clicks on your ads.
However, don’t create a site about something that is not in demand. Just because you like to study rare deep-sea anglerfish doesn’t mean that everyone else does. If you want to maximize your profits, you will need to give information about something that the general public will be researching.

4)Do not put Google Adsense on a brand new site!
When building a new site, wait until you have completed the site, you have built inbound links, and you are getting traffic. A brand new site can leave your ads being off topic and difficult to follow.
Also, if you try to apply to Google Adsense too early when your website is brand new, you will most likely be turned away. Google wants to know that your site has enough traffic so that putting their ads on your page will be profitable to them and you. They don’t waste time on beginner or spammy sites.

5) Do not put images next to your ads!
While many people did this for years and it worked successfully, it now against Google’s policies to do so. This is considered to be ‘encouraging clicks’ which is prohibited. If you do so, you may get more clicks for a bit, but you will quickly be caught and banned from having Adsense on your page. And once you are banned, you cannot get your account back into good standing.

If you haven’t read Google’s Adsense policies, I seriously suggest doing so.

6) Place images in optimal places on your site.
Ads that are higher on the site get clicked more often, which generates more income.

7) If you want to maintain optimal profit, do not put your ads on affiliate sites.
While well-known affiliate sites may get you more clicks than your own brand new site, you cannot depend on these sites to earn a maximum profit. It can be considered as a violation of the rules and regulations of Adsense. Moreover, each of the affiliate sites charges a percentage of your earnings to be able to post on their site. So, work on your own site, promote it to generate traffic, and be patient. Having ads on your own site will be better for you in the long-run.

8) Make sure to update your site on a regular basis.
If you create a site and leave it for a few months, you may find that your traffic has dropped significantly. Therefore, your amount of clicks and pay has dropped as well.
No one wants to visit a site that has grown stagnant and has old information, so get busy generating new information for your readers!

9) Create ads that best complement your site.
The optimal sizes for ads have been researched. They are the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 medium rectangle, and the 160×600 wide skyscraper.
However, don’t simply use these sizes without integrating them into your site well. You want the overall flow of your site to be pleasing to your loyal visitors, so be sure to fit the ads in a way that is visually appealing.

10) Do not stress over the latest google algorithms, or trying to beat the system!
Google constantly updates their algorithms to cut out spammers, and this unfortunately messes up the generated income for some sites. However, there is no way to currently beat this system, so do not stress if your site sees a dramatic drop suddenly. Simply continue to work hard at improving your site and keeping up with the latest Google Adsense Tips. Hopefully, you will see improvement again in your traffic.

These are some tips that should help you a great deal when trying to maximize the profits from your ads. Overall, continue working to improve your websites and don’t stress! Everyone knows that Google owns the world in their own mysterious way, and trying to fight it will only end in multiple visits to a psychiatrist. So, be happy and enjoy Google’s business offering to the world!

Below is a list of the top 10 best life insurance companies in the world. Japan Post Insurance is the largest life insurance company in the world as measured by assets. The company was established on September 1, 2006 and is wholly-owned by Japan Post Holdings. AXA is the second largest life insurance company in the world and largest in Europe. AXA is a French global insurance group, which serves over 95 million customers in 61 countries worldwide. Allianz, founded in 1891, is the third largest life insurance company with 60 million customers in 70 countries.

1. Japan Post Insurance (Japan)

2. AXA (France)

3. Allianz (Germany)

4. MetLife (USA)

5. Prudential Financial (USA)

6. Nippon Life Insurance Company (Japan)

7. Assicurazioni Generali (Italy)

8. Legal & General Group (UK)

9. American International Group (USA)

10. Aviva (UK)

By MEGAN JOHNSON (U.S News Health)

Choosing the right health coverage has never been easy, and the health reform law has made things more complicated—especially for those choosing among plans provided by their employer. Besides sorting through differences in premiums, deductibles, and co-payments  you need to consider new provisions in the law that have recently kicked in and could impact your coverage for the coming year. The following tips can help clear away the confusion, and help you choose the right plan during the open enrollment season.

1. Check for grandfather exemptions. If your employer makes no substantial changes to your insurance plan, it may be "grandfathered in" and not subject to certain required provisions in the health reform law. These include free coverage (with no copay) for preventive services like blood pressure or depression screening, smoking cessation programs, and immunizations. Plan materials will indicate whether or not the plan is grandfathered, along with the benefits it provides.

2. Decide which plan type best meets your needs. There are generally three types of plans: health maintenance organizations (HMO), preferred provider organizations (PPO) and point-of-service plans (POS). An HMO requires that you use physicians within a specific network, giving you less flexibility but a more affordable cost. A PPO allows you to stay in-network or go out of network for a heftier fee; out-of-pocket costs are usually higher for PPO's than for HMO's. POS plans combine elements of HMO's and PPO's. They give you the option to pay more for venturing out of network, but usually require you to choose a primary care physician within the network and get a referral from that physician before seeing any specialist.

3. Identify changes before re-enrolling. That could save you from dealing with unexpected costs if your benefits have changed. Coverage for a particular service such as chiropractic care may have disappeared, or the cost of covering your spouse may have increased. So it could pay to change plans. More likely, your monthly premiums have gone up, due to rising healthcare costs.

4. Make adjustments to your current plan or consider switching. Take into account whether your needs have changed. If you're planning a family, you might need maternity coverage, for example, or perhaps you'd like to add an adult child back onto your insurance. All plans are now required to cover children up to age 26, though grandfathered plans may exclude these young adults if they have access to health benefits through an employer. Adult children, like those under 18, can no longer be rejected for having pre-existing conditions like asthma or cancer.

5. Factor in your favorite doctors. Before electing a different plan, check to see that your primary care physician and specialists are in its provider network. Women in non-grandfathered plans now have the freedom to see an obstetrician-gynecologist without a referral, but they still need to make sure any doctor they choose participates in their plan's network if they have an HMO or don't want to face extra fees if their plan is a POS.

6. Size up the cost. Compare the total cost of various plans using an online calculator, a tool offered by many employers. If you are young and healthy, you may want to trade pricey monthly premiums for a higher deductible (paying more out-of-pocket before coverage starts). Be sure to factor in copays (the physicians' fees) and coinsurance (your share of the cost for prescriptions or hospitalization).

7. Don't get lured by those new freebies. While new plans now require you to pay nothing for certain routine preventive care, you might not need to switch off your old plan to reap this benefit. Many plans were already offering preventive services at minimal or even no cost prior to the passage of health reform, says Randall Abbott, a senior healthcare consultant with Towers Watson, a global consulting firm based in New York.

8. Consider opening an account for your healthcare expenses. To save on premiums, think about setting up a healthcare savings account to help pay for prescriptions, contact lenses, and other medical expenses. Contributions to a health savings or flexible spending account are subtracted from your pretax income— a big plus. There are, though, some drawbacks to both. A health savings account has to be paired with a high-deductible plan—with an annual deductible of more than $1,200 for an individual and even more for a family. While a flexible spending account can go with all plan types, you lose any leftover contributions that go unused at year's end. Beginning in January, you can no longer pay for over-the-counter medications, like Tylenol or Prilosec, using HSA or FSA dollars unless you get a written note from your doctor.

9. Check out the prescription coverage. Your plan may add or drop certain drugs that were covered the previous year, so make sure whatever pills you take on a regular basis are still covered this year. This information is included in a plan's listing of medications or formulary and may be available online. Find out if there are additional discounts on generic drugs and whether you have the option of saving more by receiving prescriptions by mail.

10. Take advantage of wellness incentives. Companies often offer employees cash incentives to complete a lifestyle questionnaire that covers things like exercise and smoking habits. Employers use these assessments to encourage workers to participate in wellness activities such as fitness programs or smoking cessation to reverse bad habits and lower health premiums for the company and its employees.

11. Don't forget to reconcile your spouse's coverage with your own. If your spouse or kids are covered under your plan, make sure your employer is still contributing the same amount toward premiums for family plans. Some have begun charging for each dependent, which could make it too expensive to add that 22-year-old child back onto your plan. Employers are also increasingly adding surcharges for spouses whose companies offer insurance; you may find it's no longer cost effective to keep your spouse on your plan.

12. Plan for the worst. Experts advise employees worried about being laid off to consider a plan with a lower premium. Laid-off employees who continue coverage through COBRA now have to pick up the entire cost themselves, since a government subsidy that chipped in substantially ended last June.

Top 10 Insurance companies in Spain are as follows:

1. Knight Insurance company
This is an independent insurance company which was founded in 1966. Since its beginning this company was working for the elite class of Spain but in the recent past it has made certain developments and policies which are according to needs of the common man. This indeed has helped not only the people and the company but also the system on the whole.

2. Spain Agency
This is a typical Spanish based company which is serving the people for the last three generations so to speak of. This company has a very sound setup in which there is no discrimination among the people and the claim of the people is settled in a very short time.

3. Integra Global
This is typically a health insurance provider company working in Spain. Recently it has also launched its offices worldwide due to an increase in its market. Along with providing substantial health Insurance to the people, this company also provide the people with beneficial advices related to health.

4. Clements International
This is a worldwide insurance provider which has set its own standards in the field. This Company is not limited to any specific type of insurance rather it covers almost all the daily life insurance of the common man. They provide top quality customer services to the people and do not compromise on this.

5. Adeslas
This company is attributed to be the first Health insurance company in Spain. Their policies are widely ranged and let the customer to choose from the lot so that he might be able to configure that what is good for him and also he may not blame the company in the future for any wrong chosen policy.

6. Allianz
This is a worldwide recognized insurance company majorly known for its supreme services which it provide to its customers. This company has flexible interest as well as premium rates which allows even a common man to make deals with this company. From this company you will get something which you deserve and which is according to your needs.

7. Europe Assistance
This Company is also one of them which has its offices worldwide. Mostly this company operates in major part of Europe.The one thing which makes it different from other companies is that their online services are just awesome and let the people do all their deals online which is absolutely secure and make you feel like you are conversing one to one.

8. Genesis
This Insurance Company is solely related with Car Insurance. The facilities of this company are really unique which attracts the customers big time. Their profit and bonus is comparatively more than the other companies and equal to the leading insurance brands of worldwide recognition.

9. INOV Insurance
This Company is aiming for the betterment of the foreign people residing in Spain by providing them with certain financial and insurance benefits. They are highly dedicated to their work and their whole staff is working to achieve further success for the company.

10. Lapoliza.com
As the name indicates, the major work or should i say the whole work of this company is done through Internet which facilitates the people and let them know about the recent developments and new inductions in the company regarding insurance through this channel.

Here is some information about these insurance companies in Thailand.

1. AIA Insurance Thailand
AIA insurance company in Thailand is quite famous for their services, and they are ranked to be on top because of their security options and unbelievable services which they are offering.

2. BUPA Thailand
More than 25 years experience is being gained by this Thailand’s top insurance service providing firm. They are known to be  leading specialist in case of professional and corporate members.

3. AXA Insurance PCL
AXA informed insurance policy regarding decision making has made it popular amongst the people. They aim high to give quality insurance advice to their customers.

4. QBE Insurance (Thailand) Company Limited
QBE insurance company is considered to be one of the top class Limited insurance companies who have  expand steadily from a number of years. From 1989, till today they abet in giving strong support to their customers.

5. Worldcare Travel Insurance – Travel Insurance Online
Worldcare travel insurance is a type of online servicing firm who have gathered a team of online professionals or specialists with them. They abet in giving them a guidance for sake of travel insurance or holiday insurance purposes.

6. Premier International Healthcare
Premier international healthcare, you might be well aware with this Thailand’s insurance firm. This is only because of  lawsuits and medical insurance arm options which are available with them on affordable rates.

7. Ayudhya Allianz C.P. Life Public Co. Ltd.
Whether there is a need to have some unique kind of life insurance, marvelous health insurance plans or some outclass assets security insurances there is a need to get oneself entangled with this firm which is allocated in Thailand.

8. Thai Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Thai life insurance company is an insurance policy providing firm, which is especially made for sake of life insurance purpose. That abet in getting pockets covered with secured income in future.

9. Trafalgar International Ltd.
Trafalgar international ltd. offers used to include the broking services which are provided by very less number of firms, that’s why they are out class insurance firm.

10. The Navakij Insurance Public Co. Ltd.
Motile insurance options which are available in Thailand’s famous firm i.e. navakij insurance uses to give a strengthening kind of aptitude to its customer. Which means that there would be positive end results which would be definitely attained through it in future.

1. ABSA insurance company
This is a leading worldwide insurance providing company which has its network spread in almost whole Africa. Not just it provides quality insurance services, it also makes the people aware about the latest happenings in the field of insurance by giving them useful advices relating to insurance.

2. AIG South Africa
This is also a worldwide leader in insurance providing companies which is working successfully in South Africa since the past many years. This Company is unique in its behavior that it provides its customers with something that others cannot think of. Besides that, there customer service is also superb.

3. Auto insurance
As the name indicates, this company deals in Auto Insurance but recently this company has made efforts to widen its sphere and has included general insurances to its policies. This is a small sized insurance company, but due to their struggle they have made themselves enable to be among the top ten.

4. Alexander Forbes Insurance
This is also a worldwide leading insurance company which is serving the nation for the past many years. One basic thing that distinguishes it from the other companies is that the claim that their customers make is settled within a short time and the customer do not have to wait long.

5. BOE Insurance Company
The customers of this company does not have to worry about their wealth because this is one of the most reputed insurance company in the region. This company claims to solve all the wealth concerns of the people and no doubt this is doing that quite nicely.

6. Compass Insurance Company
This is a business model to the insurance market because this company though not established on a very big scale yet its effort and sheer hard work has put this company among the top of the region.

7. Credit Insurance
As the name indicates, this company mostly deals in credit related insurance. One feature of this company is that they provide credit Insurance along with credit products which are in the market. This company has its own stature in the local as well as the international market.

8. Hollard Insurance
This company is aiming to make a difference in the insurance sector and to present to the people something new and in order to do that, they have made substantial efforts which are heading the people to the right track related to Insurance and these efforts are quite positive.

9. Nedcor Insurance Company
This is an extension of the bank so the policies and major deals they do are according to the bank standards. Their main objective is to empower the people by providing them with deals which have a strong affect on their life without effecting them financially which is a great task.

10. Rand Mutual Insurance
The history of this company relates back to mining industry which in 1894 founded this company. Initially it was a non profit company but later on as the time went by, it started to provide some extra quality services to the customers which in turn gained them a reputable position in the market.

1. Allianz
This company has its own reputation worldwide and is one of the leading insurance provider company in the world. In Russia it is highly recognized and rated as the top company. There good service to the customers makes them even more efficient.

2. AIG Russia
As the name (American international Group) indicates, this company was founded with the assistance of America but it soon stood on its own feet and took over as a sole Russian insurance Company. It was founded almost more than a century ago but its effort is highly appreciated.

3. ROSNO Insurance
This Company is working under a wide group of network, known as the ROSNO group of network. They aim at the upbringing of the people by providing them with many benefits which they can cash upon. This Group has one of the most widely distributed networks of Insurance Companies.

This insurance Company has great value for its customers because they provide its customers with great luxuries along with flexible interest rates which adds to their liability. A new in the era but has coped with all the pressure and problems and has stood as a leading insurance Company.

5. URALSIB Insurance Group
This Company provides insurance of almost every kind and every aspect, because this is a Leading Group in Russia which provides the people with almost every kind of insurance. Their large network has not made them compromise on the various factors including the need of the people.

6. Vista Alliance Insurance Company
"Vista" is a Group which is offering its services in the market but it has launched Insurance programs for the people recently. Their good reputation in the market has urged people in Russia to make insurance deals with them and the people are being satisfied by their good services.

7. SOGAZ Insurance Group
This Company was founded around 2 decades back and is serving as one of the oldest Insurance Company in the federation. Good customer Service, highly trained staff and their will to serve the people makes them the leading Insurance Company of the Russian Federation.

8. Safe Insurance Line
This Company was built on a relatively small budget but that did not affect their mode of dealing with the people and that is why people also show faith in them and make subsequent deals with them. Their tireless efforts have made them very popular among the people of Russia.

9. Russian Insurance Centre
This is a state Company which is being funded by the state because the state also wants the upbringing of the people of Russia. This Company also looks after the transfer of funding being done at the higher level.

10. ING Life Insurance
As the name indicates, this Insurance Company deals in Life Insurance. Their market value is simply very good but there is still lot to travel by the Company in order to stand side by side with the leading Insurance Companies.

Remember the ‘good’ old Indian school punishments? Holding the earlobes with arms crossed over your chests, bending the knees and then sit and then stand and so on till the time Masterji is saying?

Ever thought why the traditional Indian school teachers would give this particular punishment? I believe even majority of the teachers who grant this punishment to their students do not know the reason behind it. This form of punishment has been in practice in our country since the Gurukul time and was given to the students who were weak in studies. That is a different question if now a days teachers grant this punishment for any mistake and not only for studies but originally it was meant for weak students only.
Talking about the logic behind this punishment, it is very interesting to know that this particular posture increases the blood flow in the memory cells in brain and synchronizes the right and left side of the brain to improve function and promote calmness, stimulates neural pathways via acupressure points in the earlobe, sharpens intelligence and also helps those with autism, asperger’s syndrome, learning difficulties and behavioral problems.

Probably we have forgotten this ancient method of increasing memory power but the West is now using is very diligently and they are recommending this posture or exercise to treat many a diseases.

Brazil is the 17th largest insurance market in the world and the largest in Latin America. As of July 2013, the market had about 130 insurance companies and the top 10 largest insurance groups accounted for approximately 83% of insurance premiums. Bancassurance is the dominant distribution channel for individual life insurance and retirement savings products in Brazil. The dominant players for Bank Insurance Model include Banco Bradesco, Itau Unibanco, Caixa Economica Federal, Banco do Brasil, ING, HSBC and Santander. The size of Brazil's life insurance market is expected to increase from US$35 billion in 2011 to US$60 billion in 2015.

1. Allianz Brasil (Allianz Seguros S.A.) 
A subsidiary of a German multinational insurance group Allianz SE. It provides a wide range of insurance products including life, health and auto insurance. The company was formerly known as AGF Brasil Seguros S.A. and changed its name in 2008.

2. Bradesco Vida e Previdencia 
A subsidiary of Banco Bradesco. It is one of the top providers of life and pension products in the country. As of March 2012, the company had over 22.3 million life insurance policies.

3. Brasilprev Seguros e Previdencia 
One of the largest private pension companies in Brazil. It operates as a subsidiary of Banco do Brasil. As of March 2012, Brasilprev had over US$30 billion in total assets.

4. Caixa Vida e Previdencia
A subsidiary of Caixa Seguros S.A. The company was established on March 14, 2000 and offers life insurance and pension services. As of March, 2012, it had US$10.2 billion in total assets.

5. Companhia de Seguros Aliança do Brasil (Alianca do Brasil) 
A subsidiary of Banco do Brasil. The company provides life insurance, property insurance, credit insurance and rural insurance. As of March 2012, Alianca do Brasil had US$2.2 billion in total assets.

Companhia de Seguros do Estado de São Paulo

7. HSBC Vida e Previdência (Brasil) 
A subsidiary of HSBC Seguros (Brasil) SA. HSBC Seguros operates as a subsidiary of HSBC Bank (Brasil) S.A. – Banco Múltiplo.

8. Icatu Hartford Seguros 
A subsidiary of Grupo Icatu. The company was established in 1991 and is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

9. Itau Vida e Previdencia 
A subsidiary of Itaú Unibanco. The company offers life, health, auto insurance and pension products.

10. Mapfre Vera Cruz Vida e Previdência 
A subsidiary of Mapfre America Vida SA. The company offers a wide range of insurance and pension products.

11. MetLife Brasil (Metropolitan Life Seguros e Previdencia) 
A subsidiary of MetLife International Holdings. The company was founded in 1999 and is based in São Paulo.

12. Porto Seguro 
The largest auto insurer in the country with over 10,000 employees. The company also provides life, health, home, accident, travel and cargo insurance. Porto Seguro operates in Brazil and in Uruguay.

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There are numerous companies who rate insurance firms on numerous financial power aspects to be able to help customers make much more informed choices (insurance provider ratings)

If you’re looking for insurance, you need to look to have an organization that’s existed a whilst, with an established ability to settle claims in the event that you’re in an accident.

The insurance providers listed below  may offer a mix of property, injury, life, and/or wellness insurance coverage, along with a range of financial products too.

Insurance businesses, much such as other big corporations, don’t always focus on just something. However, they do often stick in order to insurance as well as financial providers.

There are a large number of insurance companies available to select from; some concentrate on only one kind of insurance or even one particular region of america.

It’s not essential to purchase an insurance plan from among the companies in the above list to make sure you receive sufficient coverage or even service.

Actually, it’s recommended that you simply obtain quotes online and talk to an independent insurance professional to make sure you receive the best coverage in the lowest cost

Here are your Top 10 Insurance Companies in the USA

1. Allstate Insurance
2. State Farm Insurance
3. Travelers Insurance
4. Prudential Insurance
5. Fidelity Insurance
6. MetLife Insurance
7. Farmers Insurance
8. AIG Insurance
9. The Hartford Insurance
10. MassMutual Insurance

Here is a list of top 10 Insurance companies in India; these are the best companies in life insurance and finance sector. Ranking process of companies is being frequently updated by our expert team.

1 |Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
Website – www.licindia.in
Corporate Office – Mumbai, Maharashtra | Employees - 115900+ |
Business –  Financial services | Establishment – 1956 |
Details – Best Insurance Company in India dominating the market since then it established in market. In other word, It is the synonyms of Insurance in India, most important they have best settlement ratio.

2 | SBI Life Insurance
Website -www.sbilife.co.in
Corporate Office – Mumbai, Maharashtra | Employees – 7300+ |
Business –  Insurance | Establishment – 2001 |
Details -State bank of India life insurance is a joint venture between BNP Paribas Cardif holding 74:26 ratios. It has great hold in Indian market as far as concern of Finance and banking sector, best in insurance sector after LIC.
Top 10 Insurance Companies in India | Insurance Sector

3 | Birla Sunlife Insurance 
Corporate Office – | Employees – 133000+ |
Business –  Financial services | Establishment – 2000 |
Website -www.birlasunlife.com
Details - It is finacial and Insurance company, a Joint venture of Aditya Birla and Sun life Insurace. Company offers life insurance products including health, wealth and retiral plans.

4 | Reliance Life Insurance (RLIC)
Website -www.reliancelife.com
Corporate Office – Navi Mumbai,Maharashtra | Employees – 1000+ |
Business –  Insurance | Establishment – 2001 |
Details – Company is group company of Reliance, among of top insurance company in India. In year 2011 Nippon life insurance, Japan acquired 26% share in this company.
Top 10 Insurance Companies in India | Insurance Sector

5 | ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
Corporate Office – United Kingdom | Employees – 15000+ |
Business – Life Insurance | Establishment – 2000 |
Website -www.iciciprulife.com
Details – ICICI prudential is a joint venture between ICICI and prudential Plc, United kingdom. ICICI Prudential offers wide range of Insurance Products including health, wealth, life insurance, medical insurance and retiral solutions.

6 | Tata AIG Life Insurance 
Website -www.tataaiginsurance.in
Corporate Office – Mumbai, Maharashtra | Employees – — |
Business – Insurance | Establishment – 2001 |
Details – Tata AIG is a joint venture between Tata and AIG, It is flagship company of Tata group. Started insurance business in year 2001, company launched many insurance products such as Motor, travel, health and accidental insurance.
Top 10 Insurance Companies in India | Insurance Sector

7 | ING Vysya Life Insurance 
Website -www.inglife.co.in
Corporate Office – Bangalore, Karnataka | Employees – 7800+ |
Business –  Insurance | Establishment – 2001 |
Details – ING vysya is a insurance company offers insurance policies and retiral plans. It has been serving in more than 200 cities in India and almost 10 lacs customer base.

8 | Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
Website -www.bajajallianz.com
Corporate Office – Pune | Employees – 1000+ |
Business – Insurance | Establishment – 2001 |
Details – It is a private Insurance company offers many insurance plan & policies including ULIP, pension plans and term Insurance.
Top 10 Insurance Companies in India | Insurance Sector

9 | Max Life Insurance
Website -www.maxlifeinsurance.com
Corporate Office – New Delhi | Employees – 8000+ |
Business –  Financial Services | Establishment – 2000 |
Details – Max life insurance is another private company offers Insurance plans for everyone.

10 | HDFC Standard Life Insurance
Website -www.hdfclife.com
Corporate Office – Mumbai, Maharashtra | Employees – 15500+ |
Business – Insurance | Establishment – 2000 |
Details – Group company of giant Housing development finance corporation, it is joint venture with Standard life Insurance.

Did you know that once you hit 40 years of age, whether you're a man or a women, your body starts aging FASTER than normal? Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes. Think about that! If you are 40, that means by the time you hit 44 you will LOOK and FEEL 48. And by the time you reach 60, you will LOOK and FEEL 70 YEARS OLD! We see this every day... just look around you.

Did you know that 90% of people over the age of 35 lose enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 4 pounds of body fat? That means you not only lose the only thing on your body that creates shape, tone, and strength—you also gain more fat every year, even if your calories stay the same.

Did you know that all of this is reversible at any age? That there are specific ways to move, eat, and think that tell your brain to STOP this rapid aging process... and even SLOW IT DOWN to the point where you're aging less than a year for every year? That means you can look younger at 40 than you do at 35... or if you're like Becky and I, younger at 50+ than we did at 40!

This is not fantasy talk. This does not require a boatload of anti-aging drugs, supplements, or gimmicks. And, this works for anyone, male or female, and works at any age. 35, 45, 55, 65, 75... you name it. The biology is exactly the same.

My years as editor-in-chief at Iron Man Magazine have allowed me to peer into the secret routines of the anti-aging experts. Over the years, both Becky and I have picked up SO many tips, tricks, and strategies that have allowed us to literally reverse the aging process, at least from a cellular level. That means our body's look, feel, and MOVE younger than our chronological age.

We've taught this System to countless men and women over the years, and it always begins with these 5 key principles you must apply in order to STOP the rapid onset of aging that's going on right now, reverse it, and begin "aging backwards" by restoring your body's natural youth hormones.

That said, we have to warn you: What you are about to hear may go against all the conventional diet and exercise advice you've been hearing. That's because the world has, to be utterly frank, gone soft! "Core training", hot yoga, spin classes, tai chí all of these are just fine, but they won't slow your aging, and they certainly will never shape your muscles or burn off stubborn body fat. No way!

Step 1: Forget Low-Fat Diets

Forget Low Fat!Low fat everything has been the craze now for decades and look around. What has that wonderful bit of advice done for the bodies you see? We're fatter, sicker, and more addicted to sugar and carbs than any other time in history. And, we're passing these habits to our kids.

Fats are not to be feared – they're to be embraced. They do not make you fat; rather, they help your body regenerate your power hormones. Testosterone, the 'strength' hormone, for example, is the direct result of cholesterol and dietary fat intake. That's right: "Cholesterol" isn't a dirty word! Your body needs dietary fat and cholesterol in order to produce ANY AND ALL vital hormones.

People on low fat diets look drawn, gaunt, and weak. They are often sick, sometimes to the point of literally breaking down. And, they can never just enjoy eating out. Every meal and every gram must be accounted for. Do you really think this will make you younger? Of course not... it will worry you to death if it doesn't kill you first!

Step 2: Stop Running in Circles

Stop Spinning Your Wheels!Gym classes can be fun, if you like sitting in one place and torturing yourself. But have you noticed how little people change their bodies in these classes? Sure, it's good "cardio", but cardiovascular conditioning can be gained with far less time and effort.

Treadmills, and any form of endurance training (especially running) does very little to help the age reversal process. Many times, these long-duration exercise bouts accelerate the aging process by increasing free radicals. These free radicals are scavengers that prey on your body's essential nutrients and tissues.

There's a smart way to exercise... we'll cover that in a minute. And, what's wonderful is that it takes you about ¼ the time of traditional workouts. We'll cover more details on the next page.

Step 3: Stop Blaming Everything On How Old You Are

Stop Spinning Your Wheels!The guys to the left are not fat because they are old—they're fat because they eat, think, and move like a fat, old, dying person! Becky and I are both in our 50s—older than the guys in this photo—and I still sport a nice six-pack, and Becky transformed her body from the typical "middle age mom" to a slim, toned, and super-sexy woman who looks 10 years younger. (See the next page for photos!)

Listen: Your body doesn't own a clock. Studies have shown that men and women in their 90s were able to gain muscle tone in just a matter of weeks of simple weight training. I've personally seen men and women transform their physiques at literally all ages—25 to 95!

If you're around those naysayers who are constantly talking about growing old, all their aches and pains, and how life is just down hill after 40—LEAVE! Surround yourself with positive thinkers who absolutely crave a challenge. A challenge is what keeps you YOUNG, and the best challenge there is happens to be taking control of your health and body.

Step 4: Avoid Chronic Dehydration

Drink Your Water!Water isn't just "good for you" — water burns fat. Water suppresses hunger. Water renews your skin. Just drinking 12 ounces of pure water every day can take a few years off your face in a matter of weeks. You'll also drop fat, have more energy, and save your kidneys and liver from chronic overwork.

When your kidneys are taxed from too little water, your liver has to take over. Now, get this: Your liver is your number one fat-burning organ. Do you REALLY want it processing liquids and toxins rather than BURNING FAT? No way, right? Well, grab a glass of water, and watch the mirror. Within a few weeks, the change to your face and body will be noticeable.

Step 5: Work Out LESS (Yes, Less)

Work Out LESSIf you don't work out at all, you're going to lose muscle tissue every year. That means you'll get fatter and flabbier each and every year with less shape and more sag. Is this what you desire? No way, right?

Well, the answer is old school resistance training. Here's the secret: hardly anyone is doing it right!

Becky and I have seen literally thousand of pro fitness athletes train over the years. The ones who looked the best — and that means looked the youngest, most toned, and had the least amount of unwanted fat — were the ones who left the gym while others were still warming up!

Over the past decade, Becky and I have developed a men and women's workout system that we call F4X Training System. This is a revolutionary way of combining four specific exercises done in literally a matter of minutes. That's ALL YOU NEED... And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

That's right: We do not do endless cardio sessions (the F4X Training System is a great cardiovascular workout) and we do not spend an hour a day in the gym. We have a life, thank you. We have kids, and we value being both fit and real people at the same time. The F4X Training System was our personal breakthrough to achieving our ideal bodies, staying in tip-top shape with minimal time, and having a life outside a gym.

Insurance companies are primarily of 2 types – life insurance and non-life insurance such as auto, property, casualty insurance etc. Here is the list of top 10 insurance companies across the world, 2012 ranking.

1. Berkshire Hathaway
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 201.135
The very fact that all of Berkshire’s major insurance subsidiaries are rated AAA by Standard & Poor’s, and A++ by A. M. Best stand testimony to their global standing as no. 1 in the field of insurance. The exceptionally high capital strength maintained by its subsidiaries is its most significant differentiating factor. It offers automobile insurance through GEICO, property/casualty reinsurance through General Re, life insurance through NRG and government bond insurance through Berkshire Hathaway Assurance.

2. China Life Insurance
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 73.371
Based out of Beijing, it is the largest insurance company in Asia. It is listed in 3 markets - the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange – the first Chinese insurance company to achieve this distinction. Though it originally began as fire and marine insurance providers, it now primarily focuses on individual and group life insurance.

3. American International Group
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 58.480
Popularly known as AIG, it is based out of New York City. It underwrites commercial and industrial insurance along with life insurance (with the acquisition of American General Life Insurance) and travel insurance (through Travel Guard). AIG suffered heavily during the global financial meltdown in 2008 which resulted in downgrade of its credit rating and had to be bailed out by the government.

4. Allianz
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 54.245
This German company is the largest insurance company in the European market offering both health/life insurance as well as property/casualty insurance. In India, it has formed a joint venture with Bajaj Finserv Limited called the Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited which also offers travel and motor insurance. Allianz’s marketing activity revolves around sports with a football stadium in Munich named Allianz Arena.

5. Ping An Insurance
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 51.463
Ping An Insurance offers life insurance, property and casualty, and health insurance. With foreign investors in its shareholding structure, Ping An is the first Chinese insurance company to have done so. HSBC holds minority stake in the company which it plans to sell in 2013.

6. AIA
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 44.133
Though the acronym stands for American International Assurance, it is based out of Hong Kong where it is the market leader with a market share of more than 25%. In India, it operates through 26% stake in a JV with Tata Sons offering accident and health insurance in addition to life insurance. Primarily strong in Asia, AIA is now looking at expanding its wings to the rest of the world.

7. Metlife
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 39.719
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, popularly known as just MetLife, began its journey insuring Civil War sailors and soldiers against casualties. To this date, Metlife is the largest life insurer in the United States. Though it provides a host of financial services, insurance accounts for more than 50% of its revenues. Metlife uses popular cartoon characters from Peanuts, most notably Snoopy in all its advertising.

8. Zurich Insurance Group
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 39.559
Based out of Zurich, and hence the name, Zurich Insurance Group is the biggest Swiss insurance company. It offers general insurance, life insurance and farmers’ insurance. It features in both Interbrand’s top 100 brands as well as Fortune Global 500 companies.

9. AXA
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 39.017
AXA offers life as well as non-life insurance (savings, property and casualty). Based out of France, AXA is rated the best insurance brand by Interbrand for 3 consecutive years. AXA entered India forming a JV with Bharti Enterprises called the Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd.

10. ING
Market Cap (in US$bn) = 31.863
Headquartered in Netherlands, the ING group offers life insurance, banking and asset management services. In India, ING holds 26% stake in the ING Vysya Life Insurance Company. ING has been closely associated with around sports, sponsoring many marathons like the New York City Marathon and the Renault F1 team from 2007 to 2009.

1- Ingat yang kita tak melahirkan robot, tapi seorang manusia. Walaupun masih kecil, anak-anak ini sudah mempunyai emosi yang kadang-kadang ok, atau kadang-kadang merasa tidak selesa dan marah dengan sesuatu. Maka tugas kita sebagai ibu bapa untuk memujuk dan mendidik mereka dengan sebaiknya.

2- Menangis atau meragam adalah cara anak kecil berkomunikasi dan menyampaikan kepada kita sesuatu maksud. Mungkin mereka ingin memberitahu kepada kita yang mereka demam, sakit perut, minta bantuan kita untuk sesuatu dan sebagainya. Sebaiknya periksa dulu apa yang membuatkan anak menangis.

3- Ingat bahawa ingatan anak kecil sangat kuat dan mudah mengikut perbuatan dan percakapan kita. Kita pastinya tidak mahu anak- anak kita membesar menjadi seorang yang pemarah dan emosi yang tidak stabil. Jaga percakapan dan tingkah laku kita daripada melampaui batas.. Elakkan daripada menyebut perkara-perkara negatif kepada anak kecil.

4- Bersyukur yang kita dikurniakan anak. Berapa ramai pasangan suami isteri di luar sana yang tidak mendapat cahaya mata. Bersyukur yang Allah maha pemurah kerana memeberikan kita peluang menjadi ibu dan ayah.

5- Fikirkan yang jika sesuatu yang tidak baik berlaku kepada anak kita, pastinya kita akan merasa terkilan kerana memarahi mereka yang bukan-bukan. Pastinya juga kita akan menyesal yang tidak berkesudahan.

6- Banyakkan istighfar dan selawat jika kita mula hilang sabar. Jika merasa hendak marah yang amat sangat, biarkan anak seketika. Ambil masa untuk kita tenangkan diri, dan pada masa yang sama anak juga dapat bertenang seketika. Bila sudah dapat menenangkan diri, pujuk anak kembali.

7- Fikirkan adakah kita mahukan anak yang sihat, boleh menangis dan meragam.. atau pun mempunyai anak yang tidak menangis dan meragam, tapi hanya terlantar kesakitan?? pastinya kita akan merasa bersyukur kerana anak-anak masih sihat walaupun kadang-kadang meragam.

8- Banyakkan memperdengarkan anak-anak dengan bacaan Al-quran, supaya hati mereka lembut dan mudah mendengar kata.

9- Bercakap kepada mereka dengan lembut kerana jika kita bercakap kasar dan meninggikan suara, itu langsung tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah. Fikirkan bagaimana perasaan kita jika ada orang memarahi kita sebegitu.

10- Fikirkan yang anak-anak menangis atau meragam kerana mungkin nak mendapatkan perhatian kita. Muhasabah diri mungkin kita kurang memberi masa dan kasih sayang kepada mereka.

The other day my friend and I we talk about Insurance. His idea of guide to life insurance. I am not 100% agree to his idea.   

His simple guide to life insurance.

Life insurance is an insurance. It is used to protect against of the risk of lost of income. For example, let's say A is the bread winner of the family. If something happen to A ( for example die in an accident), you will not longer have income from A. The family still need to survive. Life insurance can provide/replace some portion of the income so that the family still can survive. In some circumstances, A will suffer some form of disability and can no longer work, life insurance provide some compensation to help the family to survive too. Please noted that in Malaysia, the protection against disability is limited to what is specified in the policy. In advanced countries like USA, they have disability insurance that pays as long as you cannot work regardless whatever the cause is. This kind of disability insurance does not exist in Malaysia. In summary, life insurance is used to protect against the loss of income and disability.

So, does life insurance makes sense to you??

1) Do you have dependents?
A) If you are single and have no dependent, it really does not make much sense to buy life insurance.

B) If something happen to me, I would like to leave something for my parents. Is your parent depend on your income for survival?? If answer is no, why buy life insurance?? If you want leave something for your
parent, why not give your parent the money now?? Save the money from insurance premium and give to your parent now every month.

2) If you are home maker and makes no income, why buy life insurance??

3) If you are married and your family depend on you to provide income, in general, you should buy life insurance.

4) However, it may NOT be worthwhile for you to buy life insurance if you have a lot of savings (more than 200K). In general, life insurance in Malaysia get very expensive for payment greater than 200K.

All my comments does not necessary apply to medical insurance. Do your own research to find out what is right for you. If your insurance agent cannot explain to you why you should buy life insurance, why are you buying??

The very complicated and complex thing about insurance in Malaysia is that we do not have pure term life insurance. All insurance product in Malaysia is normally a combination of life insurance, disability protection and medical protection. In most cases, unless your insurance agent is good and you do a lot of research, you really have little or no idea what you are buying. I am not qualify to tell you what you should buy and how much to buy in each circumstances.

The bottom line is you need to know is

1) what are you protect against??
Life, disability, medical

2) What is the likelihood for each risk at your age??

3) What is the cost for each option??

4) What is the maximum pay and deductible in each situation??

Insurance is used to protect against the situation where you do not have enough resources to cover. You need to buy just enough so that when the bad thing happen, you are covered. Buy, you should NOT buy so much that it costs too much to you.

1. Berikanlah ubat paracetamol dengan sukatan yang dibenarkan oleh doktor.

2. Bukakan pakaian anak dan gunakanlah tuala basah yang direndam di dalam air sejuk untuk menyapu pada bahagian muka, kepala, leher, ketiak, depan dan belakang badan serta kaki. Selimutkan bahagian dada anak dengan tuala kering (bagi mengelakkan anak mendapat batuk) dan biarkan tanpa pakaian untuk beberapa jam.

3. Biarkan tuala sejuk tersebut pada bahagian pelipat ketiak dan dahi.

4. Berikan susu dan air masak dengan kerap bagi mengelakkan anak anda dari mengalami dehidrasi.

5. Anak yang kelihatan lemah sewaktu demam adalah menunjukkan tanda lebih sakit, berbanding anak yang masih aktif walaupun demam.

6. Bukakan tingkap bilik / rumah bagi memastikan pengudaraan rumah dalam keadaan lancar dan tidak berhawa panas. Buka kipas atau kekalkan suhu penghawa dingin pada paras 27°c.

7. Sekiranya terdapat tanda-tanda seperti ruam pada badan, bintik di dalam mulut, muntah tanpa henti, cirit-birit, anak mengalami kekejangan / sawan serta tanda-tanda lain yang membimbangkan segera bawa anak berjumpa dengan doktor bagi mendapatkan rawatan lanjut. Seelok-eloknya bawa anak pergi ke hospital / klinik yang menyediakan rawatan khusus untuk kanak-kanak.

8. Sentiasa pantau keadaan demam anak kerana demam yang berlarutan lebih daripada 2 hari memerlukan rawatan segera di klinik mahupun di hospital

Do you know that nearly 90% of Malaysians are clueless on the types of policies they have bought over the years. They have been paying for the policies with assumption that it will pay them in full no matter what their claims are without understanding the underlying limitations! And most of them not even know what are they paying for. Common reason of Malaysian buying policies is mainly because the agent is their friends, family etc. and some even bought the policy based on the branding and marketing "claims" that it's the No.1 insurance company in Malaysia. Please be noted that branding of the insurance company won't help you at all! What matters the most is in your policy documents! Most people won't even bother to read the term and condition clearly but just blindly listen to the agent! Different medical plans in Malaysia have different limitation! There's no such thing as all medical insurance are the same!!

If you already have policies, please get them reviewed and I promise you will get the shock of your life!!! Make a choice to understand the limitations of your policies before its too late! Don't just sit and get quotation thru email for comparison in premium cost and investment return but sit down with financial advisor who can help you and assist you in choosing the best medical plan based on your needs, budget and how to avoid costly mistakes.

The most crucial aspect of claiming is what documented in your policy document, you need to understand the fine prints, black and white! You need to know how to avoid and save yourself from burning ship before its too late! Because health changes overnight!!!

An experienced agent would have done many hospitalisation claims for his/her clients over the years. Through the experience, one can tell what it gonna work for you & what can be the biggest financial cost of your life!! 

If you have a choice to choose:

1. Which one is the smarter choice?

A) Company A pays 90% of your Medical Bills- 10% Co Insurance borne by policy holder

B) Company B pays 100% of your Medical Bills fully

2) Are you aware of the difference between Inpatient Hospitalization & Outpatient Treatment in your policy? Why is it separated in your Medical Schedule of Benefits?

3) What are the limitations in your policy Vs the Actual Cost of Hospital Bills in Malaysia

Actuaries are highly trained individuals with such intelligence to determine the risk factor before getting a plan approved by Bank Negara. Do not just take the word of an agent verbally, but always look at the fine prints black&white, and the Cost of Insurance chart in the policy documents- understand the pros and cons clearly before you make any Costly Mistakes especially during Hospital Claim!

**Please take note- this is mainly to create awareness for Malaysians to Make A Smart decision before its too late!!

Petua Mengurangkan Demam

Ditulis oleh Timothy | 8:05 AM | , , | 0 comments »

1. Campurkan segenggam asam jawa dengan air sejuk dan lumurkan pada kepala dan seluruh anggota badan. Asam jawa berfungsi untuk menyejukkan badan dan menurunkan suhu panas pada badan.

2. Mandikan anak dari paras bawah anggota badan hingga ke atas secara perlahan-lahan iaitu bermula dari kaki, punggung, badan dan akhir sekali pada bahagian kepala.

Banyak kes dan kejadian yang tidak diingini berlaku apabila demam anak dibiarkan begitu sahaja. Penting untuk kita sebagai ibu bapa memastikan kesihatan anak berada dalam keadaan yang stabil.

PADA 5 JULAI 2013, Bank Negara menguatkuasakan peraturan baru menghadkan: (i) pinjaman peribadi setakat 10 tahun maksimum (dahulu 25 tahun); pinjaman hartanah dan rumah 35 tahun (dahulu 45 tahun), dan (iii) tidak membenarkan lagi pinjaman pra kelayakan.

Alasan yang diberikan Bank Negara adalah untuk menangani kenaikan hutang isirumah yang meningkat dari RM465.2 bilion pada tahun 2008 kepada RM754.6 bilion pada pertengahan tahun 2013. Dengan harga rumah mahal, harga kereta mahal dan kos hidup yang mahal, rakyat Malaysia adalah ‘juara’ dalam membuat hutang, iaitu hutang isirumah kita adalah 140% berbanding dengan pendapatan, Singapura 105%, Amerika 123%, Korea 101%, Thailand 53% dan Indonesia 38%. 

Akibat hutang yang banyak ini, kadar individu yang diisytiharkan bankrap pada tahun 2012 ialah 19,575 ataupun 53 orang sehari dalam setahun, di mana 50% adalah dari golongan berumur 25-44 tahun. Jumlah individu yang bankrap dari tahun 2007 sehingga 2013 adalah 245,000 orang yang mana faktor utamanya adalah disebabkan oleh kegagalan untuk membayar pinjaman (hutang). 

Persoalannya, kenapa hutang rakyat kita tinggi? Menurut data Bank Negara, 64% pinjaman yang dibuat oleh isirumah adalah dari pinjaman perumahan dan kereta sahaja. Pinjaman peribadi jatuh ke tempat ketiga paling banyak. 

Pertanyaannya, mengapa harga rumah mahal sehingga boleh membuatkan kita terhutang sampai ke tua? Bila rakyat bertanya hal ini, jawapan pemaju mudah sahaja, iaitu kerana barang kos pembinaan seperti simen, pasir, batu-bata dan seribu satu macam perkara lain lagi naik harga. Bagi ahli ekonomi, mereka menjawab kerana permintaan melebihi penawaran. 

Saya pun hairan kenapa kerajaan tidak boleh mengawal harga rumah ini? Apakah payahnya sangat untuk kerajaan menetapkan harga rumah mampu milik kepada rakyat, iaitu rumah yang boleh dibeli oleh golongan berpendapatan sederhana yang harganya dalam lingkungan RM100-RM200 ribu sahaja.

Ini kerana saya lihat harga rumah yang ditetapkan oleh pemaju sekarang sudah di luar dari istilah rumah mampu bilik. Bayangkan bagaimana seorang yang baru bekerja boleh memiliki rumah jika harga rumah dua tingkat di Bandar Baru Bangi dengan keluasan 20”X70” pun sudah mencecah RM500 ribu. Bayangkan harga rumah kondominium di Bangsar yang seluas 2,000 kaki (185 meter) persegi dijual pada harga RM2.4 juta seunit dan harga sebuah rumah semi-D di Sri Hartamas berharga RM1.5 juta. Siapakah yang mampu membelinya?

Bayangkan pula kalau ada hutang kereta, anak kecil 3 orang, kena beli lampin anak, bayar orang gaji, kad kredit, pakaian, persekolahan, minyak kereta dll, maka apa lagi yang tinggal? Bagaimana mungkin mampu untuk membeli rumah semahal ini jika pendapatan suami isteri hanya RM5 ribu sebulan sahaja dengan bayaran yang ditetapkan dalam masa 35 tahun. Jika suami isteri berpandapatan RM5 ribu pun tidak mampu, bagaimana bagi mereka yang berpendapatan lebih rendah dari itu?

Saya cukup risau dengan harga rumah yang tidak terkawal dan over priced ini. Sekarang ini pun dengan gaji RM6 ribu sebulan, belum tentu dapat membeli rumah yang berharga RM400 ribu. Andaikan si pembeli meminjam RM400 ribu sahaja daripada bank dengan purata kadar faedah enam peratus setahun, peminjam perlu membayar ansuran bulanan sebanyak kira-kira RM2,400 selama 30 tahun. Ini bermakna peminjam yang membeli rumah teres pada usia 30 tahun hanya akan habis membayar hutang pada usia 60 tahun. Persoalannya, berapa ramaikah rakyat kita memiliki pendapatan RM6 ribu sebulan sekarang?

Apabila melihat kepada masalah harga rumah yang semakin ‘tidak masuk akal’ sekarang ini, saya terpanggil untuk membincangkan masalah ini. Saya sedih melihat nasib rakyat yang terhimpit dengan masalah ini kerana biarpun sudah berumur 45 tahun dan berkelulusan universiti, sehingga sekarang pun masih ‘menyewa’ lagi. Itu belum lagi mengambil kira mereka yang bekerja di bawah dari tahap gaji pegawai yang berkelulusan universiti.

Atas masalah harga rumah yang tinggi ini, saya mencadangkan kepada pihak kerajaan supaya mengambil tindakan berikut:

i. Turunkan kadar faedah daripada 4% kepada 2% sahaja untuk pinjaman kerajaan dan dari 6% kepada 3% sahaja untuk pinjaman bank bagi rumah pertama. Ambil perhatian kerajaan Kelantan tidak mengenakan faedah kepada kakitangan awamnya dan Public Bank hanya mengenakan kadar faedah sebanyak 1% sahaja kepada kakitangannya.

ii. Naikkan elaun perumahan untuk kumpulan sokongan dari RM180 sebulan kepada jumlah yang lebih wajar. Di Kuala Lumpur, sewa sebilik pun sudah RM250-500 sebulan. Bagi pekerja swasta pula, kerajaan perlu mewajibkan syarikat membayar elaun perumahan kepada pekerjanya campur dengan gaji minimum yang baru diwajibkan.

iii. Kerajaan sendiri membina lebih banyak rumah sesuai dengan permintaan dengan tidak lagi menyerahkannya kepada pemaju swasta. Sekiranya syarikat swasta mahu juga membinanya, kerajaan perlu meminda akta supaya segala pembangunan perumahan yang dilakukan oleh syarikat swasta hendaklah mengikut syarat-syarat ketat harga yang ditetapkan kerajaan supaya harga menjadi terkawal dan tidak lagi melampau.

iv. Menteri Perumahan yang baru sepatutnya merangka mekanisme untuk menurunkan harga rumah sama ada dengan mengurangkan kos pembinaan dan lain-lain tindakan yang wajar.

v. Jika harga rumah mahal disebabkan oleh harga tanah, maka kerajaan hendaklah menetapkan harga siling bagi setiap kaki persegi tanah kerana tanah adalah milik kerajaan yang boleh dikawal.

vi. Jika harga tanah di bandar mahal untuk membangunkan perumahan, maka binalah apartment ‘layak duduk’ yang sesuai untuk golongan berpendapatan rendah. Mereka tetap perlu disediakan rumah kerana itu adalah keperluan asas manusia yang perlu disediakan oleh kerajaan untuk rakyatnya. Jangan pula cari alasan ‘kalau ayam mahal jangan makan ayam’, atau ‘kalau rumah di bandar, mahal sewa atau belilah rumah di kampung’. 

Saya yakin jika kerajaan boleh membuat pelbagai program seperti Hari Sukan, Hari Wanita dan Hari Belia dengan kos yang berjuta, tentunya tidak sukar bagi kerajaan untuk mengambil langkah lebih adil bagi menyediakan perumahan kepada rakyat ini.

Mengingatkan tentang hutang rakyat kita yang terlalu tinggi dan ramai lagi dari kalangan mereka yang masih belum mempunyai rumah sendiri, hati saya mengeluh. Semoganya tidak lagi selepas ini.