Google AdSense is a pay-per-click (PPC) program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. AdSense delivers relevant ads that are targeted to the content people find on your site. In many advertising networks and websites, including AdSense, the advertiser is charged for advertising their ad only when a user clicks on their ad. How much they pay (for that click) is called their Cost Per Click or CPC.
Here you will find some simple and effective AdSense tips that will increase your revenue. If you haven't already joined AdSense program, you should sign up first.
1) If you want to maximize your profits, make sure to create more than one website.
However, you don’t want to start off by creating 100 websites. Maintenance for that many sites, at first, would be hectic. While having only one website would be the easiest to maintain, it also increases your chances of being cut out altogether by the latest algorithm update. So, you want to have a few websites up and running. Then if the latest algorithm forces one website out, you still have a few others to generate income from while you work on the affected one.
2) Pick a niche to write about per site.
Creating a site that discusses any topic under the moon may be easier to find the desire to update, but it will make it difficult to create constant traffic, make it hard for the Google search engine to rank your site, and cause trouble generating ads that are on topic.
Also, if you only pick one subject to focus on, you can go more in-depth and gain expertise in that field. This makes your website more profitable for users and yourself.
3) Create a site about something you are already interested in!
This Google Adsense tip only makes sense! Making your site about something that you like makes it more fun in the long-run for you to continue managing your site. If something is less like work, then you are more likely to do it. Constant updates on your site is good for traffic and search engines, which generates clicks on your ads.
However, don’t create a site about something that is not in demand. Just because you like to study rare deep-sea anglerfish doesn’t mean that everyone else does. If you want to maximize your profits, you will need to give information about something that the general public will be researching.
4)Do not put Google Adsense on a brand new site!
When building a new site, wait until you have completed the site, you have built inbound links, and you are getting traffic. A brand new site can leave your ads being off topic and difficult to follow.
Also, if you try to apply to Google Adsense too early when your website is brand new, you will most likely be turned away. Google wants to know that your site has enough traffic so that putting their ads on your page will be profitable to them and you. They don’t waste time on beginner or spammy sites.
5) Do not put images next to your ads!
While many people did this for years and it worked successfully, it now against Google’s policies to do so. This is considered to be ‘encouraging clicks’ which is prohibited. If you do so, you may get more clicks for a bit, but you will quickly be caught and banned from having Adsense on your page. And once you are banned, you cannot get your account back into good standing.
If you haven’t read Google’s Adsense policies, I seriously suggest doing so.
6) Place images in optimal places on your site.
Ads that are higher on the site get clicked more often, which generates more income.
7) If you want to maintain optimal profit, do not put your ads on affiliate sites.
While well-known affiliate sites may get you more clicks than your own brand new site, you cannot depend on these sites to earn a maximum profit. It can be considered as a violation of the rules and regulations of Adsense. Moreover, each of the affiliate sites charges a percentage of your earnings to be able to post on their site. So, work on your own site, promote it to generate traffic, and be patient. Having ads on your own site will be better for you in the long-run.
8) Make sure to update your site on a regular basis.
If you create a site and leave it for a few months, you may find that your traffic has dropped significantly. Therefore, your amount of clicks and pay has dropped as well.
No one wants to visit a site that has grown stagnant and has old information, so get busy generating new information for your readers!
9) Create ads that best complement your site.
The optimal sizes for ads have been researched. They are the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 medium rectangle, and the 160×600 wide skyscraper.
However, don’t simply use these sizes without integrating them into your site well. You want the overall flow of your site to be pleasing to your loyal visitors, so be sure to fit the ads in a way that is visually appealing.
10) Do not stress over the latest google algorithms, or trying to beat the system!
Google constantly updates their algorithms to cut out spammers, and this unfortunately messes up the generated income for some sites. However, there is no way to currently beat this system, so do not stress if your site sees a dramatic drop suddenly. Simply continue to work hard at improving your site and keeping up with the latest Google Adsense Tips. Hopefully, you will see improvement again in your traffic.
These are some tips that should help you a great deal when trying to maximize the profits from your ads. Overall, continue working to improve your websites and don’t stress! Everyone knows that Google owns the world in their own mysterious way, and trying to fight it will only end in multiple visits to a psychiatrist. So, be happy and enjoy Google’s business offering to the world!
10 Amazing Google Adsense Tips and Tricks
Ditulis oleh Timothy | 8:33 AM | google adsense, Search, tips | 0 comments »Top 10 Life Insurance Companies in the world 2013
Ditulis oleh Timothy | 8:02 AM | 2013, Insurance, top 10 | 0 comments »
Below is a list of the top 10 best life insurance companies in the world. Japan Post Insurance is the largest life insurance company in the world as measured by assets. The company was established on September 1, 2006 and is wholly-owned by Japan Post Holdings. AXA is the second largest life insurance company in the world and largest in Europe. AXA is a French global insurance group, which serves over 95 million customers in 61 countries worldwide. Allianz, founded in 1891, is the third largest life insurance company with 60 million customers in 70 countries.
1. Japan Post Insurance (Japan)
2. AXA (France)
3. Allianz (Germany)
4. MetLife (USA)
5. Prudential Financial (USA)
6. Nippon Life Insurance Company (Japan)
7. Assicurazioni Generali (Italy)
8. Legal & General Group (UK)
9. American International Group (USA)
10. Aviva (UK)
12 Tips on How To Choose a Health Insurance Plan
Ditulis oleh Timothy | 8:01 AM | Insurance, tips | 0 comments »
By MEGAN JOHNSON (U.S News Health)
Choosing the right health coverage has never been easy, and the health reform law has made things more complicated—especially for those choosing among plans provided by their employer. Besides sorting through differences in premiums, deductibles, and co-payments you need to consider new provisions in the law that have recently kicked in and could impact your coverage for the coming year. The following tips can help clear away the confusion, and help you choose the right plan during the open enrollment season.
1. Check for grandfather exemptions. If your employer makes no substantial changes to your insurance plan, it may be "grandfathered in" and not subject to certain required provisions in the health reform law. These include free coverage (with no copay) for preventive services like blood pressure or depression screening, smoking cessation programs, and immunizations. Plan materials will indicate whether or not the plan is grandfathered, along with the benefits it provides.
2. Decide which plan type best meets your needs. There are generally three types of plans: health maintenance organizations (HMO), preferred provider organizations (PPO) and point-of-service plans (POS). An HMO requires that you use physicians within a specific network, giving you less flexibility but a more affordable cost. A PPO allows you to stay in-network or go out of network for a heftier fee; out-of-pocket costs are usually higher for PPO's than for HMO's. POS plans combine elements of HMO's and PPO's. They give you the option to pay more for venturing out of network, but usually require you to choose a primary care physician within the network and get a referral from that physician before seeing any specialist.
3. Identify changes before re-enrolling. That could save you from dealing with unexpected costs if your benefits have changed. Coverage for a particular service such as chiropractic care may have disappeared, or the cost of covering your spouse may have increased. So it could pay to change plans. More likely, your monthly premiums have gone up, due to rising healthcare costs.
4. Make adjustments to your current plan or consider switching. Take into account whether your needs have changed. If you're planning a family, you might need maternity coverage, for example, or perhaps you'd like to add an adult child back onto your insurance. All plans are now required to cover children up to age 26, though grandfathered plans may exclude these young adults if they have access to health benefits through an employer. Adult children, like those under 18, can no longer be rejected for having pre-existing conditions like asthma or cancer.
5. Factor in your favorite doctors. Before electing a different plan, check to see that your primary care physician and specialists are in its provider network. Women in non-grandfathered plans now have the freedom to see an obstetrician-gynecologist without a referral, but they still need to make sure any doctor they choose participates in their plan's network if they have an HMO or don't want to face extra fees if their plan is a POS.
6. Size up the cost. Compare the total cost of various plans using an online calculator, a tool offered by many employers. If you are young and healthy, you may want to trade pricey monthly premiums for a higher deductible (paying more out-of-pocket before coverage starts). Be sure to factor in copays (the physicians' fees) and coinsurance (your share of the cost for prescriptions or hospitalization).
7. Don't get lured by those new freebies. While new plans now require you to pay nothing for certain routine preventive care, you might not need to switch off your old plan to reap this benefit. Many plans were already offering preventive services at minimal or even no cost prior to the passage of health reform, says Randall Abbott, a senior healthcare consultant with Towers Watson, a global consulting firm based in New York.
8. Consider opening an account for your healthcare expenses. To save on premiums, think about setting up a healthcare savings account to help pay for prescriptions, contact lenses, and other medical expenses. Contributions to a health savings or flexible spending account are subtracted from your pretax income— a big plus. There are, though, some drawbacks to both. A health savings account has to be paired with a high-deductible plan—with an annual deductible of more than $1,200 for an individual and even more for a family. While a flexible spending account can go with all plan types, you lose any leftover contributions that go unused at year's end. Beginning in January, you can no longer pay for over-the-counter medications, like Tylenol or Prilosec, using HSA or FSA dollars unless you get a written note from your doctor.
9. Check out the prescription coverage. Your plan may add or drop certain drugs that were covered the previous year, so make sure whatever pills you take on a regular basis are still covered this year. This information is included in a plan's listing of medications or formulary and may be available online. Find out if there are additional discounts on generic drugs and whether you have the option of saving more by receiving prescriptions by mail.
10. Take advantage of wellness incentives. Companies often offer employees cash incentives to complete a lifestyle questionnaire that covers things like exercise and smoking habits. Employers use these assessments to encourage workers to participate in wellness activities such as fitness programs or smoking cessation to reverse bad habits and lower health premiums for the company and its employees.
11. Don't forget to reconcile your spouse's coverage with your own. If your spouse or kids are covered under your plan, make sure your employer is still contributing the same amount toward premiums for family plans. Some have begun charging for each dependent, which could make it too expensive to add that 22-year-old child back onto your plan. Employers are also increasingly adding surcharges for spouses whose companies offer insurance; you may find it's no longer cost effective to keep your spouse on your plan.
12. Plan for the worst. Experts advise employees worried about being laid off to consider a plan with a lower premium. Laid-off employees who continue coverage through COBRA now have to pick up the entire cost themselves, since a government subsidy that chipped in substantially ended last June.